Lori Schiff: Attention, Presence and the Underappreciated Elbow

During this workshop we will explore how to engage attention, and to encourage presence in ourselves and others through linking habits of thinking to habitual reactions in life . We will also consider the elbow.

This workshop is for Alexander Technique teachers, trainees and enthusiastic students of the work.

All of you know how valuable and useful the Alexander Technique is. How do we move others to share our enthusiasm and implement thinking in activity as a way of life? How can we make attending to oneself as interesting as the attraction of iPhones and the digital universe? How do we motivate people to pay attention to how they are walking instead of texting while walking? What simple actions, when performed with conscious direction, can lead to a broader perspective on how to live more comfortably, with more confidence, with greater appreciation for the elbow and greater empathy.

Our discussion will include Q&A regarding teaching groups and individuals and strategies for linking the work to the mundane and the sometimes complex stuff of life as a human.

Is the Alexander Technique a method that can help restore diminishing attention spans ?

Can appreciating the elbow lead to a more conscious approach to living on our planet?

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