
The JLSF is pleased to present a donation based workshop series. These Wednesday workshops are held online through Zoom and taught by a variety of Alexander Technique teachers from across the US and internationally. Participants donate any amount to attend. The series makes Alexander Technique available to a broad audience and generates funds for our Scholarship.

Your donations are tax-deductible. The Judith Leibowitz Scholarship Fund of AmSAT is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3).

Complimentary tickets are available to any teachers, trainees and students who identify as Black, Indigenous or Persons of Color (BIPOC). The AT community is enhanced by an abundance of diversity and diminished without it. Please email us for your VIP code.

If you were unable to attend any of our virtual events, recordings are available through our Videos page.


February 2025

Good Posture Leads to Good Dancing

Learn the fundamentals of French Baroque Dance through the principles of the Alexander Technique!

One of the tasks of the 18th-century dancing master or teacher, was to perfect the posture of his students. Through better posture, not only did the skills of dancing, riding a horse and fencing become easier and more efficient, but the noble presence of the student was also improved, giving the student needed self-confidence to communicate with others in public and to rule their domain.

In this workshop, a lecture-demonstration and practical dance class, students will learn basic 18thcentury noble carriage of the body, different bows or courtesies, and basic dances such as the menuet. This class is for everyone regardless of dance or AT experience. Students should wear comfortable clothing and thin-soled dance shoes or socks. Baroque dance steps are fairly small, but as much space as you can manage will help you have a good experience.

About Thomas Baird

Baroque Dance specialist, Thomas Baird has choreographed Alfano’s Cyrano de Bergerac, (2005-06 & 2015) for the Metropolitan Opera, choregraphed and performed with the New York Philharmonic’s Young People’s Concerts for ten years and has been a period movement consultant for several Broadway productions. Along with Paige Whitley-Bauguess, his dance partner of twenty-five years, he has performed with leading early music groups all over the world. With his husband Hugh Murphy, he co- directed the East Coast Baroque Dance Workshop at Rutgers University from 1998-2008. His dance training includes many years of study with Betty Seibert (Cecchetti Method), Janet Panetta, Wendy Hilton, and Alfredo, Andra and Ernesta Corvino. Some of Mr. Baird’s writings on historical dance have been published by Oxford University Press. He currently teaches ten dance-based online classes weekly.

A 2009 graduate of the Balance Arts Center (Ann Rodiger, director), Mr. Baird is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique. He has presented workshops at many AT conferences such as the Freedom to Move, Freedom to Play and Sing, and Freedom to Write, and at Franklyn & Marshall College, Ohio Northern University, The Westerhoff School of Music, University of Richmond, and in Tokyo, Japan. Since 2010, he has taught the Alexander Technique in the Dance and Music Conservatories at SUNY Purchase College, and he assisted Jane Kosminsky in the Dance Division at The Juilliard School for 14 years. He is a long-time faculty member of the BAC’s Alexander Teacher Training program, and has private practices in NYC and Norwalk, CT. From 2014-2019, he was on the faculty of Si Parla, Si Canta, an opera intensive held in Urbania and Arona, Italy. He also teaches Alexander Technique + Classical Ballet = bAlleT, a dance class based on the principles of the AT.


Instructor: Thomas Baird
February 12, 2025
Time: 11 am –12:00 pm PDT/2:00 –3:00 pm EDT (1 hr. )
Where: Online through Zoom
Cost: Donation (There is no donation too small or too large!)

This event has passed. The recording will be available starting Monday, February 11 on our videos page.


March 2025

STEPPING outside of your comfort zone

Learn fun AT based strategies to feel confident when giving a talk, teaching a class, meeting new people, and navigating social situations.

Do you find that you don't feel as confident as you'd like if you have to give a talk, teach a class, meet new people, or navigate group social situations? We hear a lot about the fear of public speaking, but anxiety is also common in other situations when we have to interact with people. Fear and discomfort can take over and even lead us to avoid certain contexts altogether.

In this workshop the focus will be on the feelings that come up when we feel hesitant and insecure when interacting with others. Lindsay will provide fun, AT-based strategies for how we can challenge these patterns and mindsets and feel more confident when teaching, in meetings, and when giving presentations. We will explore how to stay grounded and present with ourselves in social situations when we feel insecure, on the spot, or have to think on our feet.

About Lindsay Newitter

Lindsay Newitter has been running an active Alexander Technique practice for 17 years in New York City and in Montréal, where she now lives. Lindsay works with individuals, groups, and companies. She now specializes in helping women convey confidence when they communicate and over the past year started running retreats for women. Lindsay's tips have been on Good Morning America, CBS Radio, and featured in The New York Times and Vogue.

Lindsay completed her AT teacher training in 2007 at ATNYC with John Nicholls and Nanette Walsh and also served as faculty on the course. She was AmSAT's Promotions Media Director from 2011-2018 and has offered many workshops at AmSAT annual conferences on marketing and practice-building. She assisted Malcolm Balk in developing The Art of Running Instructor Training program which gives Alexander Technique teachers skills for working with runners, and has co-taught the course with him in the US, Europe, and South America. In 2019, she was a guest teacher at BodyChance's Golden Week retreat in Japan.


Instructor: Lindsay Newitter
March 19, 2025
Time: 11 am –12:00 pm PDT/2:00 –3:00 pm EDT (1 hr. )
Where: Online through Zoom
Cost: Donation (There is no donation too small or too large!)