Sue Merry: Using The Ready List With Children

Ideally an Alexander lesson is a balance of hands-on work and oral communication with the pupil. The input from our hands has a depth, resonance and clarity that transcends speech. However, for some pupils, the language that we use in our teaching can edge towards the impenetrable and even be off-putting.

I regularly work with children aged 3 to 11 years. For them, the standard language that Alexander Teachers employ is mostly inappropriate. This is also true of many of the teaching methods that we learn on Alexander training courses.

I have spent the past 28 years refining a system of teaching that children can relate to, have fun with and benefit from. In the course of this work it became more and more apparent that many aspects of this system are also very appealing to young people and adults.

In this presentation we will explore and experience the part played by The Ready List in my way of working and look at how TRL is now expanding out into the wider community and opening our work up in exciting ways.

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