Judith Kleinman: Finding Quiet Strength with the Alexander Technique

In this workshop we will look at short sequences of movement and moments of stillness finding time to pay attention and awareness to how we think, move and breathe, and explore how to find time, space and ease in ourselves and the world around us.

The workshop will include thinking about self regulation and co-regulation with AT ideas. We will explore the interplay of our autonomic nervous system and our neuro muscular skeletal system in everyday interaction with others and stressful situations. We will be at looking at patterns of breath, movement and thought. We will work with sitting and standing, wall work and semi-supine. We will spend some time putting hands on ourselves in a friendly and easy way to develop a deeper feedback sense. We will explore how it is to non judgementally be curious about how we are and what we might choose to change and influence, drawing on skills that include how we focus and pay attention, so we can develop our awareness.

The information given will be through power point with pictures alongside the movement sequences and moments for quiet and stillness and questions.

Please bring a chair, a wall to work with, a little bit of space for standing work and a place to lie down with a book under your head.

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