Jules Helm: Balancing the Nervous System

Balancing the Nervous System is an awareness and reconditioning practice that integrates the body, mind and emotions and facilitates optimal effort in activity. Blocked breath and unnecessary tension are released through embodiment and awareness exercises. This allows deep core muscles to provide more optimal power in motion and vocalization. 

We'll explore the developmental phases of the brain and the motor skill stages that babies go through on their way to mastering movement patterns. Through this and other explorations your mind/body organically reorganizes toward more functional, expressive and efficient action. As mental and physical habits of resistance are released, new muscle memories and mental pathways are created, leaving your whole body integrated and reconditioned for the art of living, dancing and playing. This is also a powerful tool for both injury prevention and recovery.

Please bring:

  • a book about 2 inches thick (to support your head)

  • space on the floor to lie down (you may like to use a yoga mat)

  • drinking water

  • a notebook and writing utensil or something to record your thoughts (optional)

  • blankets or layers if you tend to get cold easily

  • an open mind and little curiosity

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