Kathryn Miranda: Facing Risk and Uncertainty with Curiosity
Do you know that feeling of uncertainty when you are thrilled with the aliveness and newness of your sensory experience, yet it’s a bit scary?
Have you been in an Alexander lesson where you are more UP than you have ever been and you have that moment of panic that you don’t know how to move from that place?
Let’s look a little deeper into experiences like this so we can bring more self-awareness into those moments and perhaps even seek them out. We’ll explore the cautiousness associated with letting the head release with gravity. We’ll ask, “Is there a sweet spot here?” “What is the relationship between accepting that our brain needs to avoid risks and having the courage to take a leap of faith or dip a toe into unfamiliar waters?”
Bring your curiosity.
Have space to lie on the floor with a mat, a rolled towel and some books.
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