Georgia Paizi: Imagination Without Images - AT, Experiential Anatomy, and Joan Skinner

Inspired by the fact that Joan Skinner, creator of Skinner Release Technique, had Alexander Technique classes with Judith Leibowitz as a young dancer, this session is a full body supple movement and anatomy class that aspires to awaken the psycho-physical self, bringing both our materiality and attention to the present.

For this workshop you will need headphones or earpods. It would be great if you have access to a movement studio, or some warm empty space at home, but it will also work sitting on a chair or lying down on a not very soft surface. Please also bring some pens and paper, water, and something to keep you cozy. Pets and kids welcomed.

As, since the pandemic, online mediums have been contributing to the sharing of commons, while offering consistency to remote communities reversing some of the discomfort of social distancing, landing onto a shared inner landscape without surveillance, avoiding the authority of mirrors and subconscious assumptions to synchronise/compare/adjust, we will stay connected on earpods, a trully intimate proximity as we will be as close as into each other's heads. Could this new genre of closeness repair the temporary absence of hands-on? What is the role of poetic imagery in this teaching, and how can we further conceptualise the circumstances of the medium? Looking forward to connect and working together.

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