Galen Cranz: Transcending the "Impossible"; Scoliosis, the Alexander Technique, Other Somatic Practices, and Body Conscious Design

If you have Alexander students with scoliosis, but have a fairly straight spine yourself, how do you think about direction? Straight up? Curved? Wide? Three-dimensional? I have struggled with that and other issues for decades, and in this illustrated talk I share my personal history with scoliosis, describe some hands-on Alexander techniques, offer recommendations for complementary practices, and make suggestions for environmental design supports. Scoliosis is an effective, if demanding, teacher.

For your Alexander students with scoliosis, in this presentation I discuss options for additional complementary care: swimming, tai chi, Gyrotonics/Gyrokinesis, osteopathy, chiropractic, cranial-sacral, visceral, Structural Integration aka Rolfing, Tomatis Listening Therapy, Body-Mind Centering, EyeBody, yoga for scoliosis, body type diet, and sleep hygiene. I will share hands-on techniques for AT teachers, and offer tips for body friendly environmental supports (stools, lounge chairs, floor space) for reading, computing, sitting, and carrying a bag. You can share these with all your students; even those that don’t have scoliosis will benefit!

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