Richard Brennan: Embracing Our True Psychophysical Self

Most people would agree that the Alexander Technique is about changing unwanted and detrimental habits. Despite the universal psycho-physical approach that many Alexander teachers agree is the cornerstone of the technique, our teaching remains primarily in the physical domain. We mainly look at the habits of movement: how we sit, stand, walk and especially how we get out of a chair. Yet Alexander himself said that most people will see his technique as getting out of a chair in the right way, but it was nothing of the kind! 

In this workshop we will explore how we can help people identify and change their mental belief about themselves, and this can help them change their habitual emotional reactions. For example - one of the most common habits that many people have is that they don’t feel good enough, and even if we do a very good three year AT training, yet we do not deal with this habit head-on, we only come out as an AT teacher that does not feel good enough to teach. Or if we have a habit of wanting to be right, we go around trying to prove that our way of perceiving the Alexander principles are correct and other people are wrong. This will help us to let go of past experiences or future goals and allow us to be really present with our pupils and help us to understand why they are perhaps resisting change.

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