


The JLSF Prudent Reserve provides boost support to our scholarship recipients when financial challenges arise. 

Boosts may help ease the costs of training and costs of living during training. We are open to hearing what would help during your training. 

Please note: any funds awarded directly to a trainee are taxable income. For amounts $600+, you will need to fill out a W-4 before receiving funds. Funds that go to tuition costs can be paid directly to your training program or to the individual providing the service(s), in which case you are not liable for taxes. 

Kindly submit your receipts and a statement after using your boost funds. Your statement can be in the form of a short email, a photo, a drawing, a story. Let us know how the money was spent and the value received by you as a recipient. 


Click here to fill-out the application.

If you have an immediate need, be sure to indicate the date by which you need a response.

Review Process

The JLSF will review applications at the end of each month. We will do our best to review your application sooner if you have an immediate need.  A member may contact you to ask questions during the process. When a decision has been reached, you will be notified through your preferred method. If you have any questions please contact us at